Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Off to Arkansas Traveler 100!!!!

Tommorow I leave for the great state of Arkansas, to run the Arkansas Traveler 100 for the first time. Hopefully, all the training and races I have done this month, (four marathons and one 50 miler, the scenic but very challenging Run Rabbit Run in Steamboat Springs, CO) will pay off.......

Oh, did I mention I have the most beautiful, cute, adorable cat in the world??


Ray Baum said...

Great meeting you Saturday and running a few miles behind you. You are a Great Woman. Hope it turned out well for you. I dropped at Powerline but glad I did. Take care and hope I run into you down the road.
Ray Baum

JeffO said...

Anita, holding that cat, I didn't realize you're so tiny. You're obviously only three feet tall.

Nice blog.